Wednesday, August 26, 2009


So I am currently sitting at work, working. Please know I am not happy about it. I am kind of over it actually. I am really just kind of depressed today. I have my degree in criminal justice, and i really no longer want to work at the job i am working. And until I can join the army I figured why not do something I have my degree in. So I am currently filling out paperwork for a local police department to become a police officer. Well I had a friend here at my job print everything out for me, and he was ok with my decision. But my supervisor and others laughed in my face. All they see is me at work, not outside of work, not me actually trying to succeed at things I do. I use to be great at my job, GREAT. But when they started fucking us over, I gave up hope and quit doing a good job. Why do a good job if they get by doing half assed shit? ...You know it wasn't an equal opportunity here. We get treated like shit. They expect us to do so much work for so little income. I am over it. I had alot more to write but i have to get back to work... FML! Im done!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah the job we do... will never get us anywhere and I'm surprised we lasted this long. I think I stayed because it was an easy job and the pay was ok at the time... People do see us as lazy or whatever it's only because that's how management here is also. We do our job fine as what I'm seeing we're just following our leaders and right now it sucks.

    Yeah this job use to rock when things were going. Even before when we were on phones all the time it was fun and felt like I was actually doing a real job haha.
